The Governor recently released his budget proposal for 2026-2027, and it falls short in every way. His proposal includes tax increases, funding increases for certain government agencies, decreases for others, and a whole lot of unknowns. Overall, it’s a bad deal.
I want to remind folks of the...
Dear Neighbors,
It’s been another busy week here at the capitol. This week we introduced house files 1-10 which focus on stopping the fraud and making Minnesota affordable again.
One of the House Republicans goals this session is an all of the above energy bill lift to repeal the “2040 bill”...
To the Editor:
Many of you know me as a Democrat, but this issue goes beyond party lines. Tariffs should concern all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, because they impact our everyday lives, our wallets, and our economy.
Let’s clear up a common misconception: tariffs aren’t paid by...
To the Editor:
My family has lived within the neighborhood of Long Prairie and Grey Eagle for five generations, so it goes without saying that I care for our community very much. A vote for Kelly Lemke on November 5th will leave our school district and taxpayers vulnerable to civil and legal...
To the Editor:
First, I would like to offer my congratulations to LPGE School Board Chair, Kelly Lemke and the others who voted along with her to dismiss Superintendent Daniel Ludvigson from his position as Superintendent. This issue has been worked on for several months and in the end your goal...
To the Editor:
From the White House to the state house to the courthouse to the schoolhouse to the bird house, the 2024 election will have a very significant impact. Do your best to learn about the candidates and the Minnesota Constitutional amendment and vote.
And a note to the candidates: please...
To the Editor:
Just how easy is it for an innocent citizen to be charged with a Felony here in Todd County? Pretty easy. Without verifiable evidence, a businessman easily persuaded our Sheriff and County Attorneys that I had stolen precisely between $4,875 and $5,000 of his illegally posted small...
The value of relationships was discussed last November when the school district worked on formulating its strategic plan. We have already talked about developing pride, but the next goal on our list is essential for any vibrant and successful community: meaningful and positive relationships.
To the Editor:
As a Trump supporter, I’ve been asked how I can possibly vote for someone who has been convicted of thirty-four felonies. I have previously addressed this issue in a letter to the editor concerning the “Red Star Tribunes” coverage of this topic. Obviously, there are people who don’...
Strategic Plan
Priority Number One Pride
Last November, we gathered feedback from our community to discuss the type of school district we aspire to be. Having been involved in long-range and strategic planning, I know how crucial it is to have a clear direction. Once we determine our destination,...