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215 1st Ave South, Suite 103
Long Prairie, Minnesota 56347
Notice is hereby given that the Todd County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, April 11th, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Commissioners meeting room, Historic Courthouse, 215 First Ave South, Long Prairie, MN to consider the following applications.
NOTE: This meeting is again being held in-person and the public is encouraged to attend, but Zoom and phone options are still available for those who are unable to attend in person. If you wish to join via Zoom, please contact our office for the call-in information. Those who do attend in person can find parking atop the hill on the west side of the Historic Courthouse and enter through the north doors, near the American Flag and monument.
Questions? Phone 320-732-4420 or Email toddplan.zone@co.todd.mn.us
•Call to Order.
•Pledge of Allegiance
•Introduction of Planning Commission Members and process review.
•The applicant is introduced
•Staff report
•Applicant confirms if staff report accurately represents the request
•Public comment
•Board review with applicant, staff, and public
•Approval of agenda.
•Approval of the March 7th, 2024 Planning Commission meeting minutes.
1. Proposed Amendment to Todd County Feedlot Ordinance:
Section 9.11: Feedlots
2. Proposed Language Amendments to Todd County Ordinance:
Section 5.03: - Variances
Section 5.05: - Conditional Use Permits
Section 5.06: - Zoning Amendments
3. North Star RNG, LLC: Section 33 and 28, Long Prairie Township
Site Address: 21695 MN-287, Long Prairie, MN 56347
PID: 18-0032600, 18-0033000, 18-0040800, 18-0040700, 18-0032300
1. Request for the construction and operation of an anaerobic digester to renewable natural gas project in AF-1 Zoning.
4. Sunset Point Preliminary Plat: Section 17, Kandota Township, Long Lake
Site Address: 12579 County Highway 11, Sauk Centre, MN 56378
PID: 14-0017202
1. Request to plat one 3.2-acre lot in Natural Environment Shoreland Zoning.
5. Paul A. Hershberger: Section 15, Reynolds Township
Site Address: 24584 County Road 11, Long Prairie, MN 56347
PID: 20-0017300
1. Request for Wood Processing-windows, doors, post or metal, with signage and building addition in AF-2 Zoning.
Adjournment – Next meeting: May 2nd, 2024
All persons interested are invited to attend said hearing or submit a letter to be heard on these matters. All correspondence must include name, mailing address and be received 48 hours before the date and time of the hearing.
Todd County Planning Commission
Jim Pratt, Chair
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Long Prairie Leader

P.O. Box 479
21 3rd Street S
Long Prairie, MN 56347
Phone: (320) 732-2151
Email: info@lpleader.com


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