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Swanville School Board Proceedings

Swanville School Board Minutes,
District #486
June 26, 2024
The regular meeting of the Swanville School Board was called to order in the Swanville Elementary School Library at 7:00 pm on June 26, 2024 by President Chris Kircher. Members present were Chris Kircher, Molly Gerads, Kyle Thieschafer, Bill Johnson, Kathy Beckman and absent was Luke Peterson. Also present were Superintendent Travis Hensch and K-12 Principal Sheryl Johnson. Visitors present were Janelle Shultz, Carly Andres, Lizz Schafer, Katie Moore, Sherry Johnson, Jolaineah Waltman, Kim Lindemann and Andrew Fields from SitelogIQ. Andrew Fields with SitelogIQ presented on Phase 1- The Indoor Air Quality project taking place now and on steps /timelines for a possible Phase 2 portion of the project.
Kathy Beckman made a motion to Amend the Agenda for the meeting to include additional Consent agenda items 7.4 & 7.5 as well as New Business 9.9. Seconded by Bill Johnson.
Kyle Thieschafer made a motion to approve the School Board Minutes from the May 15, 2024 regular school board meeting. Seconded by Bill Johnson.
Kathy Beckman made a motion to approve the Resignations of Pete Swisher- Head Track Coach, Smanatha Roden- K-12 Art Teacher, Cindy Casillas- ELL Instructor, Becky Dragert- Paraprofessional and Virgil Dragert- Paraprofessional.
Seconded by Molly Gerads.
Bill Johnson made a motion to pay the bills in the amount of $175,754.07. Seconded by Kyle Thieschafer.
Molly Gerads made a motion to approve the electronic transfers for payroll of $65,488.78 on May 20, 2024 and $60,469.01 on June 5, 2024. Seconded by Kathy Beckman.
Kyle Thieschafer made a motion to Approve designating Superintendent Travis Hensch as 2024-2025 “Identified Official with Authority ‘’ (IOwA). Seconded by Molly Gerads.
Bill Johnson made a motion to approve the 2024-2025 preliminary budget. Seconded by Molly Gerads.
Kyle Thieschafer made a motion to add .17 FTE Spanish Class. Seconded by Kathy Beckman.
Kyle Thieschafer made a motion to approve the 10 Year Long Term Facilities Maintenance plan. Seconded by Bill Johnson.
Molly Gerads made a motion to approve 2024-2025 Agreement with Northern Pines Mental Health. Seconded by Kathy Beckman.
Kathy Beckman made a motion to discontinue the position of Dean of Students. Seconded by Bill Johnson.
Molly Gerads made a motion to Call for Bids for Milk & Dairy Products, as well as Bread/Bakery. Seconded by Bill Johnson.
Kyle Thieschafer introduced the Resolution for Establishing Dates for Filing Affidavits of Candidacy. Seconded by Kathy Beckman. Vote: roll-call vote with all in favor, motion carried. Candidates must file by August 15, 2025, 5pm. made a motion to accept the K-12 Principal Contract for Sheryl Johnson, Kyle Thieschafer 2024-2026. Seconded by Kathy Beckman.
Sheryl Johnson gave Principal’s report.
Activities Director Report:
Travis Hensch provided input on Activities’ Director report:
Congratulations to Joe and Nick Guthrie on qualifying for State track meet for USA Track & Field. Nick Guthrie finished 20th in the discus with a throw off 133 feet 6 inches. Joe Guthrie finished 5th in the triple jump with a school record jump of 43 feet 11 3/4 inches, 12th in the long jump with a jump of 20 feet 7 1/2 inches, 3rd in the high jump with a jump of 6 feet 4 inches, and 4th in the 800 meter run with a school record time of 1:56.61.
The Swanville Trap team placed 5th out of 38 teams in the JV ranks at the State shoot.
Swanville Athletic Booster club is making a $4000 donation to Swanville Athletics in September.
Albany gymnastics has approved the co-op with Swanville.
Superintendent Announcements:
Travis Hensch provided updates on the SiteLogIQ IAQ project happening in the building. The school Solar field is completed, pending the fencing around the perimeter. 3 & 4 year old preschool enrollment is high, warranting a 2nd three year old session. Supt Hensch and Principal Johnson toured the CTE area at BBE school to start brainstorming ideas for improvements to the Swanville CTE options.
Chris Kircher reported that we are finalizing the sale of the 1 acre of land the school owns north of Swanville.
The next Swanville School District Board meeting is scheduled for July 17, 2024, at 7pm in the Swanville Elementary School Library.
Chris Kircher made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:26pm. Seconded by Bill Johnson. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Molly Gerads
Swanville School Board Clerk
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