Burtrum City Council Proceedings
MAY 7, 2024
7 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Jenae Ulbricht, Romie Gessell, Irene Ehlert, Juli Scherping, Sara Macho
Staff Present: Brooke Thieschafer
Quorum was met and Mayor Ulbricht called the meeting to order at 7 p.m., and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Approval of Agenda
Macho made a motion to approve the agenda. Ehlert supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes
Gessell made a motion to approve the agenda. Scherping supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of the Bills
Ehlertl made a motion to approve the bills from April 2024. Gessell supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Todd County Sheriff’s Report City Clerk gave an update about the calls.
Old Business
LMC Conference - Passed deadline. No funds were spent.
City Clean-Up: City Clean-Up Day will be May 18th. Ideas of having it at the old school. 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Signs will be posted. Looking for volunteers, will post a flyer on Facebook.
Finish Inventory - Plan a day. More to come.
New Business:
Permits: None
Souncewell Match to Match Grant - The City Clerk gave an update. We have spent roughly $13,000 so far. Bigger items include the AED and install, security cameras install, garbage cans, benches, and some office/cleaning supplies. We are still waiting to hear back about city welcome signs pricing. We hope to have that information next meeting. Suggestion to order a couple of flashlights.
Bollig Engineering Update - Work Session meeting scheduled for May 28th at 5 p.m.
Information Meeting only.
Security Cameras Update- Outside security cameras were installed by Design Electronics. A sign will be ordered to post outside.
AUP Agreement with Schlenner & Wenner Contract - The City Clerk gave an update
about the AUP Agreement that is due. It is an audit that is due every five years. We have reached out to Schlenner & Wenner to complete the audit for us again, and they are willing to do it. However, they are booked until July of this year. The City Clerk did reach out to the State Auditor’s Office, and approved an extension for the City until September 2024. The City Clerk is looking for a motion to approve the Contract with Schlenner & Wenner to complete our audit which is a total of about $6700. Ehlert made a motion to approve the contract. Scherping supported. All in favor, motion carried.
Article submitted by Mason Jambor - The Mayor went over the article funding for residents, rental properties and/or any homeowners. No income guidelines. The Mayor will contact the Housing Agency for more information.
City Events: The Mayor talked about the first official City Event that was held at the Community Center. Roughly 75 people attended. Next scheduled City Event is a card making class. Looking for ideas for kids events. There will be a fall event as well.
Open Floor: Bobby Velkamp Jr. Plow truck needs updating. Looking for something around $30,000. A discussion was had.
Announcements: Memorial Day Parade is scheduled for 11 a.m. Rib Fest and Volleyball Tournament is July 27th. A discussion was had on homes in the city limit that needs to be cleaned up.
Machol moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 p.m. Gessell seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Next City Council meeting is scheduled for June 4th at 7 p. m. at the Burtrum Community Center.
City Clerk, Brooke Thieschafer
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